Fathers, Sons & Daughters
The issue of Fatherhood in our culture is considered a national crisis. Using original music and popular film clips, composer Jim Covell explores the avenues of forgiveness, healing, and affirmation in bringing us to a better understanding of Fatherhood and how men can become better fathers and sons and daughters can begin to better understand their own fathers.
The relationship with our fathers deeply impacts our lives, and it’s often a life-long process to work through the hurts, disappointments and even damage that a bad relationship with our father has caused. But music is the language of the soul and can help us in this healing process by touching places in our hearts that no words can reach.

Jim powerfully presents the issue of Fatherhood at Retreats, Conferences and small groups, across the country. For more information on how to book Jim or to find out more about his songs on Fatherhood, contact him at jkcmusic@sbcglobal.net or at JC Productions at (818) 760-4885.
“Jim Covell led our Mens' Weekend on the subject of Soul Men: Men and their Music. The guys loved hearing his insights and very cool presentations set to music and movies clips. Jim really cares about the people he's talking with.”
- Pastor Richard Thompson - Westminster Presbyterian Church, Westlake Village, CA.
To Listen
Go To Fathersongs.com
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Samples of the Music